Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 55 / Spring Road Trip 2012

White Butte in North Dakota
They have a lot of big buttes here
We got underway this morning at 10:00 and I must say that I was happy to be leaving North Dakota.
I really liked what I got to see of Fargo and the large animals along the highway were pretty cool but other than that it was a lot of open fields with not many towns in between. We finally found a highway that headed south and we took it. It didn't take us too long before we hit South Dakota and I must say the terrain was much better. We drove through a small (300 people) town called Buffalo (they seem to be big on buffalo around here) and as we were leaving we had an antelope sighting. It was very close to being an antelope incident but Dad was able to avoid it, barely.
We then drove through the town of Belle Fourche whose claim to fame is that it is the geographical center of the US. My claim to fame is that South Dakota is the 32nd state that I have been to with this RLB and I'm still in one piece.
We have now dropped anchor in Sundance, WY. It lies at the foot of Sundance Mountain and is believed to be where Harry Longabaugh got his nickname "The Sundance Kid" while he was in jail here for horse stealing. Oh I sure hope we get to watch his movie tonight.
Long straight road to South Dakota

State Sticker #32

That's the Black Hills back there


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