Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 44 / Spring Road Trip 2012

Wrigley Field

An actual cubby

Dad got up early today and came back with a surprise for us.  No not donuts. Tickets to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field! And they were for that day.
We hopped on the Metra Train, which is right near the base, and headed into Chicago. The train ride took about an hour but we got to the park in plenty of time for the first pitch. In fact we had enough time for Mom to get another jersey (oh yea that makes six) and Dad to get a beer. By now Dad is just happy Mom didn't buy the Babe Ruth jersey that just sold for $4.4 million.
Wrigley Field is really something. It is one of only two of the major league classic ballparks left (Fenway being the other). It is the second oldest major league ballpark in the country opening in 1914. The whole outfield wall is covered in ivy. You don't get all the conveniences that you get in
the new parks but you sure get a lot of the history. And they have great hot dogs.
We needed to catch a taxi back to the Metra after the game and we didn't have a lot of time. We finally got a cab and Dad told the Somali driver, who didn't speak a lot of English, that we needed
to hurry. Apparently he understood that. Now, there were 38,000 people at the game and they were
all trying to leave at the same time. I'm not sure how to explain our ride to the Metra except to say that half way thru Dad buckled his seatbelt and Mom stopped talking. That guy should be driving in New York.  We did make it to the train on time with at least a minute to spare. All in all it was a great day and we lived to blog about it.

Mr Baseball with "Mr Cub"

Mom with Harry Carey " the voice of the Cubs"

Dad getting a drink
of Chicago water
Mom and Dad at the game

Inside Wrigley

Wrigley Scoreboard


  1. What a great time you guys are having!

  2. are you guys on your way home yet? stop by here and drop off one of those jerseys.
