Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day Nine / Spring Trip 2012

One word can describe last night....SNOW...
Winter wonderland?
Dad woke up at 2:00 am and we already had about six inches of that fluffy white stuff. He decided to get up and sweep the snow off the roof. Did I mention it was 2:00 am. Being the considerate person he is he closed the door to the bedroom so Mom and I could continue sleeping while he stomped around on the roof like an elephant. Seriously this RLB is only so big and not sound proof. I did tell you it was 2:00 am didn't I? We are all a little tired today.
Still happy campers 
My grass is still growing even in snow
Inside the chapel
the sound of freedom
By the time it got light out the snow had stopped falling at least for awhile.

Mom and the Falcon Wings
The Chapel
God Bless America
We decided to spend the day checking out the Air Force Academy and staying close to camp.
The Air Force Academy opened in 1958. It is really huge. They get about 300,000 visitors here every year.  One of the many attractions in the area is the chapel at the Academy. It is really something to see.
After the sunshine we had more snow. this is one confusing place.
Fortuantely it stopped snowing long enough for Dad to grill steak and isn't that what is really important?

1 comment:

  1. finally caught up with you looks cold by the way cabo was 85 degrees just thought i'd mention it. wheres the next stop ? I'll be watching
